ReBeL EduMove: mobile robot for education purposes

Varian: ReBel Edumove with gripper

Part No.: RBTX-IGUS-0243

Product information

  • Control via igus Robot Control or ROS2
  • Mecanum wheels for special maneuverability
  • Approx. 4 hrs battery life
  • ReBeL is easy to dismantle (4 screws)
  • Optional retrofitting: collision detection and mapping

Waktu pengiriman biasa: 3 minggu


B = 435 mm

L = 445 mm

H without ReBeL = 170 mm

H inluding ReBeL =980 mm

The driverless transport system is an open source and autonomous learning platform with an integrated ReBeL cobot arm and gripper. The structure is modular and can be flexibly expanded with additional functions, such as lidar, camera technology and a slam algorithm.

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