Pengujian penanganan yang gratis untuk aplikasi Anda!
Recieve a free feasability test of your automation task with a fixed price offer
1000+ user tests done - Test before Invest

Have a look at our testing process

Lebih dari 1000 proyek
sudah diuji
Rp 50.000.000 - Rp 500.000.000
harga hardware
3 - 12 bulan

How it works

Unsure whether your process can be automated? Let us check your prodcution process now:
CTA step 1
Send your automation task and parts
CTA step 2
We test it
CTA step 3
Receive a video and feasibility report

Paket pengujian


Kami mengujinya selama 1 jam
Kami menguji picking/gripping (umum)
We are allowed to use the video online without attribution.


Kami mengujinya selama 3 jam
Kami menguji picking/gripping (custom)
Kami menguji gerakan di luar angkasa
We are allowed to use the video online without attribution.


Kami mengujinya selama 8 jam
Kami menguji picking/gripping (dengan vision)
Kami menguji gerakan di luar angkasa
Kami menguji vision (posisi acak)
We are allowed to use the video online without attribution.

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