XY Actuator (Single Rail) | Workspace 1000 x 750 mm
For a wide variety of tasks, igus offers robot gantries as area, line and space gantries. igus gantries include pre-configured drylin linear modules and linear axes with igus stepper motors as well as all the components required for self-assembly. The line gantry robot DLE-LG-0009 is characterised in particular by the fact that the two Z axes can be moved independently of each other in the Y direction. Typical applications of our line gantry robots are pick and place, conveyor belt picking and stacking tasks. Mostly they provide the platform on which our customers build their application. For example, a gripper can be mounted very easily to enable sorting tasks. Our gantries are used in different industries such as the electronics industry, medical technology, industrial manufacturing, etc.

Konfigurator portal
Sesuaikan robot linear dengan kebutuhan Anda! Cukup masukkan dimensi yang Anda inginkan. Anda kemudian dapat mengunduh file CAD dan menerima ringkasan melalui email.

Download now and try it out in advance
Download the software now for free. This allows you to familiarize yourself with the user interface and functions even before you buy the components. With the Digital Twin you get an overview of the possibilities of your robot. (System requirements: Windows 10 PC, free USB 2.0 port, Ethernet port, 500 MB free storage)

Pilih pengaturan yang tepat untuk Anda.
Anda dapat mengontrol robot dari PC Windows 10 atau dari perangkat genggam opsional dengan layar sentuh. Pada PC robot dapat diprogram melalui antarmuka pengguna grafis. Dengan perangkat genggam Anda dapat mengontrol robot dengan joystick dan memulai program melalui layar sentuh. Selain itu, Anda juga dapat menghubungkan gamepad ke PC Windows Anda untuk kontrol sebagai alternatif dari perangkat genggam. Dengan perangkat genggam ini, robot berjalan secara mandiri tanpa komputer setelah diprogram melalui PC Windows.