Robolink DP SW - 5 Degrees of Freedom, Reach 790 mm

Part No.: RBTX-IGUS-0167

Splash-proof robot - the lightweight and compact robot variant of robolink® for use in the most etxreme conditions. With robolink® robot arms, monotonous and dangerous processes can be automated easily and inexpensively. The igus® robot arms can be fitted with grippers and suction lifters. If needed, Commonplace Robotics GmbH offers an industrial controller that is suitable for robolink® D and, by means of intuitive software, enables programming of the joint arm. As the robolink® components are based on a modular building-block principle, they can be combined with special components, can be purchased individually and can be operated with a self-programmed control unit.

Waktu pengiriman biasa: 3 minggu

Max Reach
Max Payload
Max Speed
Dynamics with 2.5 kg




  • Splash water resistance through for protection class IP 44

  • Stainless connecting elements

  • Motors with encoder with protection class IP 65


Unduh Gratis

Unduh software dan uji di komputer Anda

Unduh software sekarang secara gratis. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda membiasakan diri dengan antarmuka pengguna dan fungsinya, bahkan sebelum Anda membeli komponennya. Dengan Digital Twin Anda mendapatkan gambaran umum tentang kemungkinan robot Anda. (Persyaratan sistem: PC Windows 10, port USB 2.0 gratis, port Ethernet, penyimpanan gratis 500 MB)

Unduh sekarang - Gratis


Includes igus® Robot Control

Modular control and Software

This set enables you to control the robolink® robot arm. With the corresponding software, you can programme and move the robot via a graphical user interface.   Main features:

  • Modular, control system based on top-hat (DIN) rail, easy to extend

  • Smooth motion with 1/256 microstepping

  • Energy saving operation with adaptive current control: Trinamics StallGuard2 and CoolStep Technologies

  • Intuitive control and programming environment with interactive 3D user interface

  • Programming commands like Joint, Linear, If-Then-Else, DigitalOut, Loop etc.

  • Interface to remote computer via TCP/IP

  • ROS packages are available

  • Control cabinet

robosteuer 5m CMYK (1)

Genggam opsional dengan layar sentuh

Pilih pengaturan yang tepat untuk Anda.

Anda dapat mengontrol robot dari PC Windows 10 atau dari perangkat genggam opsional dengan layar sentuh. Pada PC robot dapat diprogram melalui antarmuka pengguna grafis. Dengan perangkat genggam Anda dapat mengontrol robot dengan joystick dan memulai program melalui layar sentuh. Selain itu, Anda juga dapat menghubungkan gamepad ke PC Windows Anda untuk kontrol sebagai alternatif dari perangkat genggam. Dengan perangkat genggam ini, robot berjalan secara mandiri tanpa komputer setelah diprogram melalui PC Windows.

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