Universal dosing cell

Part No.: RBTX-STADTLER-0001

3-axis dosing system in modular design for prototype production and series production. Suitable for production with a high product mix due to low set-up effort. The dosing components and material supply are selected according to the area of application.

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Application areas

  • Encapsulation of sensors and electronic components

  • Sealing application for sealing mechanical components

  • Adhesive dispensing of 1- and 2-component materials

  • Dispensing of low to high viscosity media

  • Micro to maxi dispensing

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Technical details

Travelling range 700x400x200mm ( X / Y / Z )

External dimensions 1200x800x2000mm (length / width / height)

Modular mould holder for dosing valves, grippers or vacuum cups

Simple programme creation and simulation using "igus Robot Control" or via data import Clear operation via keypad

EC declaration of conformity, safety control and safety door

Incl. assembly and factory acceptance, delivered fully assembled on a pallet

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