Unitree G1 Humanoid Robot - Base

Part No.: RBTX-UNIT-0001

The Unitree G1 is a state-of-the-art humanoid robot that impresses with its remarkable flexibility and advanced technology. With an exceptionally large joint movement angle capacity and up to 43 joint motors, it surpasses the agility of an ordinary human. Driven by imitation and reinforcement learning, the robotics technology is developed and optimized daily through artificial intelligence. One of the most outstanding features of this robot is its impressive ability to move independently into the walking position as soon as it is on the ground. It takes off immediately without any additional aids!

Waktu pengiriman biasa: 5-6 bulan


Real-time Display of Multi-dimensional Data

Use the Unitree Explore APP connects the device. To view the real-time status of the machine, temperature, alarm and other multi-dimensional important data, to assist users to test and locate machine related anomalies.

Main differences G1 | G1 EDU-01

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