Modular DIN-Rail Robot Controller

Part No.: RBTX-CPR-0007

This modular robot control allows to operate stepper motors and digital Input / Outputs. In combination with the CPRog software gantry or robot kinematics can be driven. Due to the DIN rail form factor the modules allow a very easy service.

The control and programming environment CPRog for Windows 7/10 generates the commands for the joints and forwards them with a USB-to-CAN adapter to the electronic modules. CPRog is based on a 3D user interface that allows an easy start into robot programming. The robot can be moved in reality, but also in simulation to allow testing. Robot programs can contain e.g. Joint, Linear, DigitalOut, Loop or If-Then-Else commands. Further components, e.g. computer vision systems, can be connected using plugins. A 24V power supply and a Windows PC are required for operation.

  • Smooth motion with 1/256 microstepping
  • DIN-rail modules with bus connection
  • Source code and ROS packages are provided

The control is supplied without cables and assembly.

Waktu pengiriman biasa: 3 minggu




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Genggam opsional dengan layar sentuh

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Anda dapat mengontrol robot dari PC Windows 10 atau dari perangkat genggam opsional dengan layar sentuh. Pada PC robot dapat diprogram melalui antarmuka pengguna grafis. Dengan perangkat genggam Anda dapat mengontrol robot dengan joystick dan memulai program melalui layar sentuh. Selain itu, Anda juga dapat menghubungkan gamepad ke PC Windows Anda untuk kontrol sebagai alternatif dari perangkat genggam. Dengan perangkat genggam ini, robot berjalan secara mandiri tanpa komputer setelah diprogram melalui PC Windows.

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